STAR Books

STAR Books

Students Taking Academic Responsibility

Each child in Mrs. Gallagher's class has a STAR book.  It is basically a white 3-ring binder that holds everything for your child in one place.  Here is a list of what you will find in your child's STAR book:

Zipper Pouch: (if your child brought one from home) This pouch is for your child to keep his/her highlighters (also brought from home) and any other "special" school supplies that he/she wants to use during class.

Behavior Sheet: Your child will color the top box for each day according to the color their clothespin is on at the end of the day (more on this on behavior page).  If needed, I will write the number that corresponds to the rule that was broken in the middle box.  Please initial the bottom box daily so that I know you are aware of your child's behavior in resource. 

STAR Book Rules: Please go over these rules with your child so that they know how to take care of their STAR book.  These binders will need to last them all year.

Discipline Plan: Please go over the discipline plan with your child.  It explains the classroom rules, consequences, and rewards.  It should be signed by you, your child, and me to show that we all agree with these procedures.  It should also be left in the binder for reference as needed throughout the year.

Resource Handbook: This includes a lot of information about the resource classroom, including classroom rules, procedures, rewards, consequences, and lots more.

Resource Newsletters: A new newsletter is placed in this section each week.  Old newsletters will remain in the binder for future reference.

Resource Homework: New weekly homework is sent home every Friday in the is section of the STAR book.  The homework packet is due the following Friday.  There is also a page in this section explaining each type of homework.  I put notebook paper in this section if you would like to use it for the homework.  If you run out, have your child ask and I will put more in there.

Extra Practice: This section holds assignments for extra practice.  Please check this section periodically for new assignments.  Your child can work on these assignments at any time to sharpen their skills.  There are also copies of the Hand Plan (reading comprehension) and the CUBES method (for story problems).  Other instructional aides will be added as the year goes on.

Resource Grades and IEPs: This section will hold your child's progress report grades, report card grades, and updated IEPs (at the end of each 9 weeks).  We will write in the comments section of the behavior sheet when we send home a progress report, report card, or updated IEP.  Please write a checkmark or your initials next to that so we know you have seen the progress report, report card, or updated IEP.  The progress reports, report cards, and updated IEPs will stay in this section of the STAR book so that you can keep track of your child's progress throughout the year.  If you would like an extra copy to keep at home, please let me know and I will be happy to provide one for you.

Parent/Teacher Communication: This section contains notebook paper for you or me to write on if there is a question or comment that is too lengthy for the comment section on the behavior sheet.  I will write in the comments section on the behavior sheet for you to check here if I have written you a note.  Please do the same for me so that I know you have written me a note.  I will not check this section of the binder every day, but I will make sure to check it if you let me know there is a note here.